2013 GLF-CEM Programs

Hosted by the Hung Hom, Hong Kong
May 11-12, 2013

Message from the organizing chair

I would like to thank all the delegates who made this event possible and congratulate them for the success of this forum. I would also like to thank our Executive Committee members for providing their invaluable support in making this event successful. Thank you for giving me the honor to organize the GLF-CEM this year. I hope you had a great time in Hong Kong.

I am glad to announce that all the discussion sessions that occurred at the GLF-CEM 2013 have successfully ignited fresh thoughts for the future of GLF-CEM. We have accomplished the previously stated objectives of setting a research agenda for the CEM community. Three topics including long-term fundamental/scientific research questions, research issues/theme/problems/topics in the next decade, and multi-disciplinary research collaboration were fully discussed and a certain consensus was reached for future development of CEM.

The events and their outcomes are documented in this report for your reference and use in future discussions.


Geoffrey Q. P. Shen,
Organizing Chairman, GLF-CEM 2013
Associate Dean (Teaching) and Chair Professor of Construction Management
Hong Kong Polytechnic University